Menopause, What Must Women Know and Do?

For all women in the world, you will pass a phase in this life called menopause. It is a condition in which woman stop to have menstruation and cannot produce ovarian. So, if you already in this phase, you cannot expect to have a baby. There are many options to stay ‘hot’ even though you are in this period. One of the ways is using Amberen. It is one of the efforts to keep your life sparkling entering the old time. As a woman who never knows about the symptoms of this period, usually it happens to a woman entering the age of 40s. The general sign of this period is bleeding in area of vagina. Usually it happens not in a good order. Usually the menstruation comes in a long period. This condition is called transition. If you feel this way, you can prepare yourself that you will be in a menopause. The second thing is when you feel your body is so warm and hot especially at night. Later on, your skin will feel itchy and your skin turns to red. Moreover there are also changes in physical and emotion.

Actually, there are many ways to make your life go balance in this condition from sophisticated ways until the natural one.  One of the best considerations is through natural remedies for menopause. It is advised for you to eat healthy and stay in a good lifestyle of leaving. Besides that, exercise like tai chi is recommended for you. To support your problem, you can talk to the physician and you can consult all your problems with the experts. So, you don’t have to take a treatment using drugs or other chemicals because sometimes it’s too risky reminding many products served on the markets. No matter what, you have to prepare condition like this as well as possible.
If you want to know more information about menopause, you can browse to the internet because many knowledge you can get including general blogs on menopause. On that blogs, you can read many options so you will not lack of information. Entering menopause surely happens for women. To prove that you are still an active woman, you must able to get much information from other Medias. Not only through internet, but also from seminars, books etc which will bring you to be more ready to face this phase. This period is not easy, that’s why you need tons of information to cover yourself.

The Danger of Metabolism Syndrome in You

Women are in risk of depression and metabolism syndrome if they never exercise. Metabolism syndrome is one of the problems that could occur to you, besides high cholesterol and hypertension. In addition, increasing weight also leads to increasing risk of coroner, stroke, and type-2 diabetes, if they’re lazy to do any exercise.

A Research by Oregon University in USA has recently found that women only exercise for approximately 18 minutes. Meanwhile men typically exercise for 30 minutes. The fact is based on the research conducted to 1,000 men and women. The result is, one out of three women experience metabolism syndrome and one out of five has depression symptoms.
‘Those who regularly exercise for 30 minutes a day rarely experience depression, high cholesterol, and metabolism syndrome,’ said Paul Loprinzi, one of the researchers.
They were initially interested to find the correlation between physical activities, depression and metabolism syndrome. However, eventually gender difference determines the amount of physical activities.

Eat snacks while staying slim

Those who are on a diet usually develop immediate hate to snacks. But there’s no need to avoid snacks. If you choose to eat healthy with a controlled portion, snacks will help you control your appetite within your meal time. Most people usually overeat because their stomach is empty.

According to Deborah Beauvais, spokesperson from Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, there are several things that can be done so that the desire to eat snacks doesn’t ruin your diet. The timing and type of snacks must be considered wisely. High-fat snacks need to be avoided. Here are some other tips to make you feel less guilty for eating snacks.

   Eat snacks only when you feel hungry. Don’t let boredom or frustration beats you, instead, try physical activity like walking or meeting up with your friends.

  1. Eat snacks only when you feel hungry. Don’t let boredom or frustration beats you, instead, try physical activity like walking or meeting up with your friends.
  2. Control your portion. 28gr of raw almond (around 23 pellets) has 160 calorie and may contribute to your diet. Remember not to overeat, because you’ll have excess unnecessary calories.
  3. Think small. Researches show that eating small portions of meal or snacks is also satisfactory.
  4. Don’t get caught in “low-fat” or “less-sugar” tagline. Low-fat, according to Beauvais, is interpreted as low calorie. But if you compare some of these products with the regular products, the difference in calorie content is insignificant. Beauvais suggests consumers to be thorough and aware in choosing products.
  5. Plan your snack. You will not be easily tempted by sweet snacks if you bring your own healthy snacks.
  6. Eat snacks in a timely fashion. If you eat snacks within your meal time, it will help you prevent overeating during your meal time. It will help you maintain your weight.

Work Safely during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, there is no reason to reduce your activity level. Recent study stated that working during your pregnancy doesn’t increase the risk of premature birth or having a low birth weight newborn.

Researcher in University of Minnesota analyze nearly 1.600 women who gave birth in 2005, most women have a day job or part time job during pregnancy, while others don’t have a job at all. The result doesn’t found any difference in premature birth rate or low birth weight newborns on both groups.

According to this study in Women’s Health Issues Journal, although working during pregnancy took no effect, there are still several known risks such as unhealthy life-style, age, 1st pregnancy, more than 4th pregnancy, race, and inheritance, still took account into premature birth and having a low birth weight newborn.

“Our research shows a connection between certain job characteristics. Women who work long shift and require heavy physical activity can negatively affect the pregnancy and have different result with those who don’t work.” says head researcher Katy Backes Kozhimannil, from health policy and management division in a release.

Researcher says these findings should not be focused on working or not working pregnant women, but more to the characteristic of the job.

“Our research shows the importance of discussions in deciding either to be pregnant while working or not, because it has its own challenge that women may face.” says Kozhimannil.

Kozhimannil note that Pregnant Worker Fairness Act Congress is in order to get the best way possible in promoting healthy pregnancy life for working women.

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