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Soy Milk Helps Cool Down Body’s Heat

Taking 2 glasses of soymilk a day apparently helps cool down heat sensation in the body. Researchers have recently found that some foods and drinks made from soybean alleviate the frequency of hot flash on women as much as 26%.
As published by Zeenews, from the latest evidence of 19 researches involving more than 1,200 women, soybean contains isoflavone, which is a kind of estrogen hormone found in plants. It is considered beneficial for health, especially for relieving 4-minute hot flashes, which can cause inconvenience for women.

‘When you combine them all, you’ll get a positive effect. If you’re 50 and have never consumed soybean before, it’s not too late. We’ve found that soybean still helps,’ revealed the researchers’ representation, Prof. Melissa Melby of Delaware.
Melby stated that if women consume soy bean for 12 weeks or more, they will experience hot flashes three times less frequent than in probationary period. Melby, who researched the isoflavone’s effect, said that chemical compounds found on soy bean produce similar effects with the estrogen hormone.
She’s been consuming 54mg isoflavone of soybean everyday for six weeks until a year long. She found that the frequency of hot flashes decreases as much as 26%. ‘Eating soybean or consuming supplements made of whole soy bean is extremely beneficial for women,’ added Melby.


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