Accustoming of eating together with members of the family can prevent children from obesity. Even nutrition expert believes that the family dinner can encourage children to eat more fruits and vegetables.
A researcher from Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, conclude their findings after analyze the result of 68 academic studies. They find that people in a family who often have a dinner continuously can cause a great increase of consuming fruits, vegetables, foods rich of calcium, fiber and vitamins. Besides that, those who get use to eat dinner together rarely consume junk food and soft drink.  Jennifer Martin-Biggers a doctoral candidate in nutrition at Rutgers said that “people who frequently eat dinner together with their family tend to have a better diet”. Even Martin says that children in that family tend to have a good achievement at school.

Even so, Martin admitted that it is not an easy thing to ask children to eat and have a gathering time together, especially when they were still young. But when a family can eat together, it will be a remarkable moment.
“We believe that spending time together with other members of family can be a place for parents and children to interact and teach each other about eating habit,” he said.

Bollywood Movies Brings Bad Impact on Teens

If you love to see Indian movie or we call it Bollywood, you must be careful of it. Because recent research finds that Bollywood has a bad impact especially for teenager.
Recently, a researcher Dr GP Nazar has proved that the production of Bollywood movies watched by teen is not good to watch. It is because there are some scenes shows alcohols drinking habit. What has been on the screen is commonly imitated by teenagers. This anxiety not only occurs in India but also in United Arab Emirates reminding that Bollywood movies are so popular there.

Arab teens really enjoy every scene with all the glamorous of Bollywood movies. In his research, Dr GP Nazar marks 59 Bollywood movies which appear many alcohol scenes. Ironically, 4000 teenagers who has been investigated are included for those who see the 56 movies. The teens are likely to be 2,78 times more likely interested in drinking alcohol. Seeing the fact, Nazar asked government to make laws that prohibit alcoholic visualization to maintain youth of a certain country.

Here are the Reasons why Salesmen are Mostly Bald

Stress at work can lead to hair loss and baldness. And salesmen are the most prone profession to baldness due to stress.
A new study unveils that stress is the main cause of baldness which is suffered by salesmen. According to the poll, in England around 60 percent salesmen are bald. Related to this poll, a half of poll members believe that the main cause of hair losing is due to long hours of work and depressed by high sales targets in the middle of difficult economic condition. Most of poll participants have a fuller hair when they began to work, but began to lose hair within a half year working.

Based on the survey of 1903 men, another job that has a possibility to baldness is web developers and software.  From the people who have a thinning hair, they blame that their work is the main cause. The average age of hair loss due to stress is 40 percent male under 35.

Menopause, What Must Women Know and Do?

For all women in the world, you will pass a phase in this life called menopause. It is a condition in which woman stop to have menstruation and cannot produce ovarian. So, if you already in this phase, you cannot expect to have a baby. There are many options to stay ‘hot’ even though you are in this period. One of the ways is using Amberen. It is one of the efforts to keep your life sparkling entering the old time. As a woman who never knows about the symptoms of this period, usually it happens to a woman entering the age of 40s. The general sign of this period is bleeding in area of vagina. Usually it happens not in a good order. Usually the menstruation comes in a long period. This condition is called transition. If you feel this way, you can prepare yourself that you will be in a menopause. The second thing is when you feel your body is so warm and hot especially at night. Later on, your skin will feel itchy and your skin turns to red. Moreover there are also changes in physical and emotion.

Actually, there are many ways to make your life go balance in this condition from sophisticated ways until the natural one.  One of the best considerations is through natural remedies for menopause. It is advised for you to eat healthy and stay in a good lifestyle of leaving. Besides that, exercise like tai chi is recommended for you. To support your problem, you can talk to the physician and you can consult all your problems with the experts. So, you don’t have to take a treatment using drugs or other chemicals because sometimes it’s too risky reminding many products served on the markets. No matter what, you have to prepare condition like this as well as possible.
If you want to know more information about menopause, you can browse to the internet because many knowledge you can get including general blogs on menopause. On that blogs, you can read many options so you will not lack of information. Entering menopause surely happens for women. To prove that you are still an active woman, you must able to get much information from other Medias. Not only through internet, but also from seminars, books etc which will bring you to be more ready to face this phase. This period is not easy, that’s why you need tons of information to cover yourself.

Five Simple Ways to Relieve Coughs

When winter comes, our bodies are susceptible to coughs as our body temperature and immune systemdecrease. If you’re not interested to visit a doctor or take antibiotics, there are five ways to relieve coughs according to Times of India.
First, take a warm shower. Take a shower using warm water as it makes our body relax. You will be free from shortness of breath as well after doing this activity.
Second, eat a lot of warm soups. Nothing better than hot poached chicken or vegetable soups for your body. Your body needs all that when you have flu. Hot soups not only clean our respiratory system but also gives energy to our body.
Third, drink a spoon of honey. Pure and natural honey is the best way to relieve coughs. Drink a tablespoon of honey each day.

Fourth, wash your mouth with salt water. Take a teaspoon of salt and mix with with warm water. Use this formula to wash your mouth at least four time a day. It is effective to cure or relieve sore throat.
Fifth, use steam. Steam inhalation is very effective to cure coughs and headache. Steam will help liquefy mucus that accumulates in the chest. Consequently, air and blood distribution will be circulated smoothly throughout the body.

Researchers Found HIV-killer Stem Cells

Researchers has found genetically created stem cells that kill HIV virus. The University of California researchers has showed that genetically created stem cells can attack HIV-infected cells in living organisms.
These researchers has identified molecules that known as T cell receptor. Then the clone guides the T cell to identify and kill HIV-infected cells and use it genetically to be incorporated into human’s blood stem cells.

When the cells was incorporated to human’s tissue that had been planted inside a rat, the cells developed into a big population. Eventually, the population in particular will target cells which contain HIV protein.
The researchers has modified human’s blood stem cell in a same way. They found that they can create fully-developed T cells that can attack HIV in a tissue where the virus is.
In a series of tests on a rat’s peripheral plasma, blood and ograns, the researchers found that the amount of HIV-infected T cell helper ‘CD4 was dead. Consequently, HIV rate in the blood decreased.
‘We believe that this study has set a foundation for potential use in combating HIV infection for those infected. There is a hope through this research to combat HIV virus from our body,’ said Scott Kitchen, assistant professor of medicine at UCLA.
This research gives a new hope that deadly diseases such as HIV/AID has a cure. If the treatment is found to be successful, people with HIV can be saved.

The Danger of Metabolism Syndrome in You

Women are in risk of depression and metabolism syndrome if they never exercise. Metabolism syndrome is one of the problems that could occur to you, besides high cholesterol and hypertension. In addition, increasing weight also leads to increasing risk of coroner, stroke, and type-2 diabetes, if they’re lazy to do any exercise.

A Research by Oregon University in USA has recently found that women only exercise for approximately 18 minutes. Meanwhile men typically exercise for 30 minutes. The fact is based on the research conducted to 1,000 men and women. The result is, one out of three women experience metabolism syndrome and one out of five has depression symptoms.
‘Those who regularly exercise for 30 minutes a day rarely experience depression, high cholesterol, and metabolism syndrome,’ said Paul Loprinzi, one of the researchers.
They were initially interested to find the correlation between physical activities, depression and metabolism syndrome. However, eventually gender difference determines the amount of physical activities.

Easy Diet With Banana

The easy and delicious way to lose weight is by eating banana. Banana diet can help suppress appetite. In addition to body detoxification, bananas also increase metabolism rate which will makes you healthy.
Ourvanity Media reports that bananas combine a fun flavour with healthy properties. Bananas are the greatest medicine for indigestion problems. Additionally, it’s rich of vitamins, micro-nutrition, fiber and natural sugar. Although the calorie content is considerably high, bananas are considered good for diet because they’re low in fat.

Banana diet can last for three to four days and can help lose weight up to 10 kilograms. Daily intake should include 3 bananas and a glass of milk. Plan your whole day intake and drink green tea or water between dishes.
Another variants for banana diet can last longer up to seven days. You can eat bananas for the whole day but no more than 10 bananas per day. Green tea and water are allowed. You will only consume 1,300 kilocalories, that’s why long-term diet may lead to protein shortage. As a result, complete your diet by eating poach eggs.

Soy Milk Helps Cool Down Body’s Heat

Taking 2 glasses of soymilk a day apparently helps cool down heat sensation in the body. Researchers have recently found that some foods and drinks made from soybean alleviate the frequency of hot flash on women as much as 26%.
As published by Zeenews, from the latest evidence of 19 researches involving more than 1,200 women, soybean contains isoflavone, which is a kind of estrogen hormone found in plants. It is considered beneficial for health, especially for relieving 4-minute hot flashes, which can cause inconvenience for women.

‘When you combine them all, you’ll get a positive effect. If you’re 50 and have never consumed soybean before, it’s not too late. We’ve found that soybean still helps,’ revealed the researchers’ representation, Prof. Melissa Melby of Delaware.
Melby stated that if women consume soy bean for 12 weeks or more, they will experience hot flashes three times less frequent than in probationary period. Melby, who researched the isoflavone’s effect, said that chemical compounds found on soy bean produce similar effects with the estrogen hormone.
She’s been consuming 54mg isoflavone of soybean everyday for six weeks until a year long. She found that the frequency of hot flashes decreases as much as 26%. ‘Eating soybean or consuming supplements made of whole soy bean is extremely beneficial for women,’ added Melby.

TV is One of the Reasons for Obesity on Kids

Obesity, or extreme overweight, which often occurs on kids are caused by television. Dailymail reported, Saturday (6/4), kids who sit while watching TV are lazy to go outside and get active. What’s more, a lot of them are watching TV while eating snacks.

Due to being inactive, kids who are supposed to be active consequently become overweight. A 4-year research reveals that kids in Europe and England suffer from obesity. Health experts are asking parents to forbid their kids from watching TV.

‘We need a new approach to prevent obesity. We found that there are many countries had no clear guidelines about healthy food and being active,’ explained Yannis Manios, one of the researchers.

Prevent stress and sickness with music

Studies have showed the benefit of music in increasing immunity and medication towards sickness. Recent analysis for more than 400 scientific reports even stated that music is probably better than medicines for several type of sickness.

A study leads by Professor Daniel K. Levitin from Psychology Department of McGill University analyzed hundreds of study about how music affects the body. Mainly there are two main areas that benefits from music, immune system and mental health in dealing with stress.

“We found strong evidence that music intervention has an important role for health ranging from surgery room to family clinics. But even more importantly, we were able to document the neurochemical mechanisms by which music has an effect in four domains: management of mood, stress, immunity and as an aid to social bonding." Says Prof. Levitin.

Here are some of the conclusions
  • Listening to music is better than medicines to reduce stress level before a surgery.
  • Those who hear music have higher level of immunoglobulin A, an antibody on the mucous system and the one that can help prevent infection.
  •     People who listen to music have more immune cells that act as natural killer cells; these cells attack germs, bacteria, and cancer cells invading the body.
  •     Listening to music can reduce cortisol level, which is a stress hormone that has lots of negative psychological impact and may trigger obesities.

Eat snacks while staying slim

Those who are on a diet usually develop immediate hate to snacks. But there’s no need to avoid snacks. If you choose to eat healthy with a controlled portion, snacks will help you control your appetite within your meal time. Most people usually overeat because their stomach is empty.

According to Deborah Beauvais, spokesperson from Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, there are several things that can be done so that the desire to eat snacks doesn’t ruin your diet. The timing and type of snacks must be considered wisely. High-fat snacks need to be avoided. Here are some other tips to make you feel less guilty for eating snacks.

   Eat snacks only when you feel hungry. Don’t let boredom or frustration beats you, instead, try physical activity like walking or meeting up with your friends.

  1. Eat snacks only when you feel hungry. Don’t let boredom or frustration beats you, instead, try physical activity like walking or meeting up with your friends.
  2. Control your portion. 28gr of raw almond (around 23 pellets) has 160 calorie and may contribute to your diet. Remember not to overeat, because you’ll have excess unnecessary calories.
  3. Think small. Researches show that eating small portions of meal or snacks is also satisfactory.
  4. Don’t get caught in “low-fat” or “less-sugar” tagline. Low-fat, according to Beauvais, is interpreted as low calorie. But if you compare some of these products with the regular products, the difference in calorie content is insignificant. Beauvais suggests consumers to be thorough and aware in choosing products.
  5. Plan your snack. You will not be easily tempted by sweet snacks if you bring your own healthy snacks.
  6. Eat snacks in a timely fashion. If you eat snacks within your meal time, it will help you prevent overeating during your meal time. It will help you maintain your weight.

Work Safely during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, there is no reason to reduce your activity level. Recent study stated that working during your pregnancy doesn’t increase the risk of premature birth or having a low birth weight newborn.

Researcher in University of Minnesota analyze nearly 1.600 women who gave birth in 2005, most women have a day job or part time job during pregnancy, while others don’t have a job at all. The result doesn’t found any difference in premature birth rate or low birth weight newborns on both groups.

According to this study in Women’s Health Issues Journal, although working during pregnancy took no effect, there are still several known risks such as unhealthy life-style, age, 1st pregnancy, more than 4th pregnancy, race, and inheritance, still took account into premature birth and having a low birth weight newborn.

“Our research shows a connection between certain job characteristics. Women who work long shift and require heavy physical activity can negatively affect the pregnancy and have different result with those who don’t work.” says head researcher Katy Backes Kozhimannil, from health policy and management division in a release.

Researcher says these findings should not be focused on working or not working pregnant women, but more to the characteristic of the job.

“Our research shows the importance of discussions in deciding either to be pregnant while working or not, because it has its own challenge that women may face.” says Kozhimannil.

Kozhimannil note that Pregnant Worker Fairness Act Congress is in order to get the best way possible in promoting healthy pregnancy life for working women.

Coffee Habit Trigger Enlarged Prostate

Prostate gland tend to enlarge as you age. It usually occurs when you are around 50 years old. The actually reason of this enlargement is still unknown, but coffee habit are suspected to be its trigger.

Tame prostate enlargement is also called hyperplasia prostate. Patients will have a hard time urinating. Urine retention can increase the risk of bladder infection and damaged your kidney.

Medicine may control tame hyperplasia prostate syndrome, but surgery and changing your consumption habit matters too.

Coffee and other beverages that contain caffeine may worsen prostate symptoms, so it is best to avoid consuming them. This is mainly because caffeine is diuretic by nature; it may increase the urine flow and the need to urinate.

To men who suffer prostate enlargement, with irritated bladder or pressures on urethra, caffeine consumption will worsen the symptoms because the increasing frequency of urine.
Coffee and prostate enlargement connection is still unclear, researches shows the opposite result. But in 2002, study found that coffee consumption significantly increases the risk of prostate enlargement. Other than coffee, consuming vegetables and fruit can also trigger prostate enlargement.

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